Traditionally, there are many ways of making glossy heart with Inkscape. It is all in how and where the shine goes. The tutorial given for this specific one uses mainly flat color option. It also tells how to give bump to the heart by color and blur manipulation.
Step 1: Before everything else, click the page grid. We will need it for making the heart.
Step 2: Choose bezier curve, Spiro path and Eclipse as shown by red arrows below.
Step 3: Come back to Canvas and using the bezier curve draw the following. If you get into trouble type question mark and trace it.
Do you see now why grid is being used here? Its aim is to make sure that the two ends of the line stays in the same straight line.
Step 4: By keeping the line selected, hit shift+ctrl+c or just go to top menu and select Path>Object to Path.
Step 5: Duplicate the line.
Step 6: Flip it by pressing H from your keyboard and after this, move it to that same straight line to complete the follow heart. Don't keep any gaps between the two lines. If needed zoom in to make sure there is no empty spot between the two.
You then should have something that look likes this:
If you don't like the shape, select the two lines so you can shrink or enlarge the shape. It is always best to do this with their duplicate. So first duplicate them as they are and then play around. The one shown in this tutorial is up to satisfaction level for which we have not done anything to do it.
Step 7: Now select the lines. Shortcut is CTRL+A.
Step 8: Click the bucket icon. Go back the to the heart and inside it left click to fill it up with color. At this point, it is going to have black color. But you will see here that you now have a full heart.
Step 9: Move the heart from the two lines so you can work on it.
Note: We no more require the grid. So remove it by either going to View and then unchecking Page grid or by pressing # from the keyboard.
Step 10. For this new heart, choose a dark red color. To stay safe, use aa0000ff.
Step 11: Duplicate the heart.
Step 12: For this new one, choose brright red color. Here we have ff0000ff.
Step 13: Now choose radial gradient.
Step 14: Move this gradient to the middle left side of the heart. Make sure that the central part of the dark red heart is not covered with it.
Step 15: Duplicate this layer and this time, the new layer should go on the left.
Step 17. Duplicate this layer and this time choose flat color. If choosing it brings in black shade change it to the same color we have for gradient which is ff0000ff.
Step 18: Now stretch and shrink the size of this heart and bring it between the two gradient layers
Step 20: Go to blur option and blur the image so the red color fills up a good amount of the central part of the heart. This is going to be a little tricky. If blurring starts going out of the main heart try re-sizing the blurred heart in a way that it bright red color stays in the middle. The point of it is to give the heart a bump.
Step 21: Duplicate the layer you have on the right.
Step 22: Choose flat white for it.
Step 23: Shrink the size of this heart a bit as shown below.
Step 24: Now choose linear gradient and take the rectangular white node outside of the heart while keeping the round one inside. In short, it should be vertical.
Step 25: Let's make it glossier. For this, just duplicate the white gradient layer.
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